Archive for August, 2007
Michael Kinsley, channeling a private equity baron: So now they want to take away our special tax break and tax our income like everybody else’s. Let’s get real. Last year I made $300 million and paid 15 percent of that in taxes, leaving me with $255 million. If I had to pay 35 percent like […]
NY Times: In Silicon Valley, Millionaires Who Don’t Feel Rich. (M)any such accomplished and ambitious members of the digital elite still do not think of themselves as particularly fortunate, in part because they are surrounded by people with more wealth — often a lot more. When chief executives are routinely paid tens of millions of […]
NY Times: Investors Say That Fed Must Do More for Markets. Analysts now say that the central bank’s move last Friday to restore confidence by encouraging banks to borrow directly from the Fed at a lower cost has had only limited impact so far and that the Fed will need to take more drastic action […]
Wall Street Journal: Why $70 Million Wasn’t Enough. Mark McGoldrick earned about $70 million in pay last year — nearly $200,000 a day — placing bets using Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s money. He was one of Goldman’s highest-paid employees. Turns out it wasn’t enough. Send your donations right away.